Planning a Backyard Farm? Fabulous – we’re here to help

Whether you’re new to backyard farming, are moving and starting a new modern homestead, or are just looking to reassess your backyard farming goals, there is a lot to think about and consider.

  • Do you want to raise animals?
  • How big should you plan your garden?
  • What fruit trees grow best in your climate zone?
  • What are the best tools for backyard farming?
  • How to practice sustainability in your home?

Spending a little time planning your backyard farm will save you time and money in the long run. We’re here to help! If this is your first time here, START HERE, or explore the articles and links below.

Join our FREE Homestead Planning Challenge Mini Course

Our free planning mini course helps you plan your homestead and assess your goals for bigger and better success. Whether you are an experienced homesteader or planning your first year, this free homestead planning challenge is the perfect way to get focused.

How to Start Backyard Farming

Backyard farming has become a more and more familiar term over the last few decades as people rethink where their food comes from and how they can become active participants in producing their own food.  Backyard farming can be as simple as filling your patio with vegetable plants, and as complicated as including large animals on your backyard farm.  Get Planning!

Achieve Your Homesteading Dreams

Free Planning Resources: Planning a Homestead

How to Homestead on 5 Acres

Develop New Homesteading Skills

Sign up for our email list and get 2 free ebooks including Modern Homestead: A Guide to Starting Your Journey.

Learn more about getting starting with your backyard farm, garden and animals

Looking for inspiration: Check out our 100+ Homesteading Quotes.

Get a FREE copy of the ebook: The Modern Homestead and access to our community exclusively for backyard gardeners and homesteaders.

Just straight up homesteading ideas sent directly to you.

Learn more about the Modern Homesteading Academy, a low cost series of ebooks and mini-courses.


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