Gretchen Stuppy Carlson

Homestead Highlight: Rob

 Rob has a small 1/3 acre homestead in Waterford, Connecticut where he lives with his wife and two daughters. He is attempting to organically grow as much of their own food as possible while learning all he can about biointensive growing methods, micro eco-farming, and natural farming so he can purchase a larger piece of property and run a small organic farm. He is an architectural designer, furniture maker, amateur photographer, and nature lover. He blogs about his growing experiences at Bepas Garden  (

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Homestead Highlight: Jen

I have always dreamed of having chickens, when our family bought our first home in Coastal Maine I knew my dream was going to become a reality. It started out with 4 Beautiful Rhode Island Reds and has quickly grown to non-traditional breeds; one being my favorite the “Duccle.” 

It wasn’t just about having the eggs for us, it was bug control, the eggs are just another benefit. We quickly found when digging in our sandy soil that it was grub infested and lacked nutrients. So here is where the chickens came a huge part of our home. Most would say they despise the fact that chickens can be destructive and scratch the ground where ever they please. I happen to love the fact there aerating our soil, it will make my job a lot easier to tend come next spring. 

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