homestead highlight

Homestead Highlight: Tessa

Tessa Zundel is a homemaking, homesteading, homeschooling mother of five small children and wife to one long suffering man.  She currently lives on an acre in suburban Utah with several generations of her family.  She is an advanced master gardener, slowly working on becoming a master herbalist and is the founder of the Salt Lake County Seed Swap.  Most days you’ll find her hauling her good natured, adventuresome children around to learn about herbs, small farm livestock, fiber and other lost arts, whole foods and home education.  There’s always something being tinctured, fermented, built or milked around here – just ask the long suffering man!  To find out what her latest project is, pop on over to Homestead Lady and join the fun!  You can also find her on Facebook, Twitterand Google.

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Homestead Highlight: Katharina

I’m Katharina, new to blogging (visit me at, and not even sure I’m a backyard farmer just yet. With a flock of 6-11 chickens around for the past 4 years, and two brand new beehives, along with an expanding vegetable garden and more fruit trees every year, I hope to get there. Inch by inch, row by row… Outside of growing food, our family of five loves making things – sewing, woodworking, repurposing, and we love exploring nature. My greatest motivation for living this one good life is to raise good stewards of this one precious planet.

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Homestead Highlight: Heather Harris

Heather started her journey to self sufficiency and homesteading after watching the movies “Super Size Me” and “Food, Inc.” and hasn’t looked back.  She and her family live in Northern Indiana, where they enjoy raising a garden, rabbits and assorted poultry in their backyard.  You can find her blogging at The Homesteading Hippy.  Also, on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

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Homestead Highlight: Teri

I’m Teri, wife and mama to two little ones, ages 2 and 5. After 13 years of homesteading in Oregon, our family recently moved to Northeast Missouri, where we are slowly building an off-grid homestead on our own land. In this space, I’ll share the adventure, along with lots of gardening, knitting, parenting, and radical homemaking fun.  You can find me at Homestead Honey.

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Homestead Highlight: Colleen

Colleen is a special education teacher (by way of Teach for America) turned stay-at-home mom to three little ones – ages 3, 2, and 1. Her days are filled with laughing and tears, joys and frustrations, chickens and children.  Her family of five lives on a .15 acre lot in the heart of Phoenix, Arizona.  Through this urban homesteading journey, Colleen hopes to lead her family down the path to a more sustainable, intentional, and fulfilled life.  Follow their adventures on their blog Five Little Homesteaders or find them on Facebook and Twitter.

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Homestead Highlight: Dani

We are two crazy in love, good food cooking, old house remodeling, learning to homestead, all while chasing our (soon to be 2) little boys. We are book reading, beer brewing, Subaru driving folks who live halfway around the world from their family in the middle of nowhere trying to learn how to do this thing called life.  Our house is always a bit crazy but the table’s always open! 

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