Preparing Your Homestead for a Hurricane

A hurricane is heading your way and, it is being proceeded by flurry of activity.  People are battening up the hatches so to speak and getting their homes and families ready for the possibility of flooding, high winds, power outages, and whatever else might be in store. So what are the top things to do to prepare your homestead of farm for a hurricane?

Below you can find a quick list of things to do and some general planning information to help you better weather the storm.

Looking for more weather related resources? Check out:

Homestead for a Hurricane
Preparing Your Homestead for a Hurricane


List of things to do to your Homestead for a Hurricane

  • Make an emergency contact list
  • Check your property to determine which shelter is safest for animals – have a back up if something happens and you need a new place to house animals.  Consider power lines, trees, flood regions, etc
    • After the storm inspect your fencing, housing and pastures, for damage and fallen trees (especially poisonous ones)
  • If you have dead tree overhanging your house, barn or shed, try to cut it down before the storm arrives.
  • Make sure livestock has plenty of food and water with a good back up supply in case you can’t get to them right away, or you can’t get to the feed store.
  • Keep a livestock kit near at hand with emergency info and basic first aid supplies (know where your human first aid supplies are!)
  • Decide at what point to lock your animals inside their shelter.
  • Have evacuation supplies nearby: If you need to leave know where everything is: cages, leashes, food etc.
  • Have access to emergency gear such as shovels, chainsaws, hammers, nails, wood, etc.  Think through what might happen and have your gear ready to go.
  • Put stuff away – anything that could blow around, or be damaged with serious precipitation or flooding.
  • In places that are expecting high winds, cover your window and secure things like screens.
  • Harvest anything from your garden that could be damaged in the storm.
  • Stake plants that may be damaged by heavy winds.
  • Have food prepared that you can cook without electricity.
  • Have access to clean water (enough to last 7 days)
  • Be prepared for power outages and consider the food in your fridge in freezer.  If you know you will experience a long power outage, eat the food that will go bad.
  • Have flashlight, matches, candles, and other emergency equipment ready for your home. 
  • Charge cell phone batteries or other batteries.
  • Move any large equipment to high ground to avoid flooding problems.
  • If you have one, check your generator.

Create a Hurricane Preparedness Plan

Assess your Homestead’s Vulnerability

Before a hurricane strikes, it’s essential to evaluate your homestead’s vulnerability to storm-related hazards. Start by identifying weak points in your property, such as loose roofing, weak foundations, or areas prone to flooding. Conduct a thorough inspection and prioritize necessary repairs and reinforcements. Take into account the specific hurricane risks in your area, including storm surge, high winds, and heavy rainfall. Understanding your property’s vulnerabilities will help you focus your efforts on the most critical areas and increase your chances of weathering the storm safely.

Develop a family emergency plan

Crafting a comprehensive family emergency plan is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of your loved ones during a hurricane. This plan should outline roles and responsibilities for each family member, including pets. Designate a meeting point and establish a communication strategy in case you get separated. Additionally, discuss evacuation routes and shelter options and make sure everyone is aware of them. Ensure that all family members are familiar with emergency contact numbers and have access to important documents like identification, insurance papers, and medical records.

Establish communication and evacuation plans

Communication is key during a hurricane, especially if you need to evacuate or seek assistance. Create a communication plan that includes a list of emergency contacts, both local and out-of-town, as local lines may be congested during a storm. Discuss how your family will stay connected, even if separated, through phone calls, text messages, or social media. Know where your nearest storm shelters are located and how to reach them safely. It’s essential to decide when to evacuate and have a clear plan for transportation, considering factors like traffic and road conditions.

Assemble an emergency kit

An essential component of hurricane preparedness is putting together a well-stocked emergency kit. This kit should contain enough supplies to sustain your family for at least three days. Include items such as non-perishable food, bottled water, a manual can opener, a flashlight with extra batteries, a first-aid kit, essential medications, hygiene products, blankets, and clothing suitable for the weather conditions. Don’t forget important documents, like insurance policies and identification, as well as cash in small denominations. Regularly check and update your emergency kit to ensure that all supplies remain in good condition.


Preparing your homestead for a hurricane requires a multi-faceted approach aimed at safeguarding both your property and your family’s well-being. It begins with a thorough assessment of your property’s vulnerabilities, addressing weak points, and prioritizing necessary repairs. Developing a family emergency plan that outlines roles, responsibilities, and communication strategies is essential, along with establishing evacuation routes and knowing where local storm shelters are located. Assembling a well-stocked emergency kit with essential supplies, including food, water, and first-aid materials, is vital for self-sufficiency during and after the storm. By taking these proactive measures and staying informed about the hurricane’s progress, you can greatly increase your chances of weathering the storm safely and minimizing potential damage to your homestead.

8 thoughts on “Preparing Your Homestead for a Hurricane”

  1. For someone that has experienced devastation in there home not once, not twice, but three times. I over prepare.
    The big one fill your car up with gas. If there are outages most likely you cant get gas.
    Have a safe place to go in a event of a emergency whether it be family, friends, or a shelter.
    Another tip if you have young children have a "Camp Out Night" during the storms. The kids think its a blast to sleep with mom and dad together. It puts ease to the mind that your all together in one room and can gather up everyone quick in the middle of the night if an emergency springs up. This has helped us twice doing this.
    Gretchen, I hope things go smoothly today and tomorrow and that the only clean up is a few scattered branches.

  2. Great tips. We are near the coast in CT so aren't sure what to expect from this storm. Firewood is all split and stacked and I have plenty of reading to catch up on if we are without power for an extended period of time. The ducks will be camping out in the garage for the next day or so but at least they will be safe.

  3. the animals all have shelter, food and water and the propane tank is full so if we lose power, the generator will turn on. I'm as ready as possible although I'd like to make bread…not sure if I want to chance the electricity and the oven won't work, just the stove top, in case of power failure.

  4. Some great reminders here for everyone. We live in tornado alley and we often have heavy winds and storms in the winter…so we try to stay prepared on a daily basis.

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