
Homesteading Tools and Supplies

Essential tools and supplies, the best homesteading books, gardening and farming equipment for your backyard farm. . Our essential backyard farming items are listed at the top, but scroll down for articles with more information and reviews of backyard farming supplies. You can also see some of my favorite tools on my online store.

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Essential Tools for the Garden

Here are a few of our favorite basic essential gardening tools – see more of our favorite gardening tools here.

Garden Hoe

Garden Trowel

Metal Wheelbarrow

Gardening Gloves

Garden Shears

Large Watering Can

Essential Tools for Backyard Farm Animals

Fence Post Driver

Animal Water and Feed Bucket

Poultry Drinker

Tool and Supply Reviews

Starting your seeds indoors can give you a huge head start on your garden. Setting up your indoor seed starting station requires a number of supplies including the best grow lights for seedlings, the best seed growing trays, seeds and more. You can also purchase a complete seed starting kit, especially if you're just trying to start a small amount of seeds indoors for the first time. Read more
Finding the best seed starter kit can be the perfect jump start to growing your outdoor vegetable garden. Starting your own seeds indoors means you save money, you can get a jump start on your summer garden and you can increase your entire harvest from your vegetable garden. We've worked hard to try and research seed starter kits and have the best options to share with you below. Read more
We're here to help with plenty of gifts for beekeepers. We've been bee keepers for over a decade and know exactly what we would want to get wrapped up as a gift. Some of these gifts for beekeepers are practical and will help with beekeeping, while others are fun accessories for your favorite beekeeper. You can find a range of prices and types of gifts in the list below. Read more
Learning to keep bees involves learning a seemingly endless amount of information. Finding the best bee keeping book can make this easier and having several books on beekeeping means you will have a small library of resources to use when you have questions. The best bee keeping book listed below gives general information about keeping bees, the bee community, bee keeping supplies, and how to deal with problems as they arrive. Read more

We are working hard to add our favorite tools for building your backyard farm to help you on your journey. You can always purchase these items used or locally if you can, but we recommend buying quality tools and taking care of them so they last for decades

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