How does your garden grow?

 “No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of the garden.”
― Thomas Jefferson
This week I’m starting a new series here on the blog.  Each Friday I will share photos from our garden with a little update about what we’re doing, what’s growing, and what we’re eating.  I invite you to come play along.  I love seeing what others are trying.  You can join the fun in 3 ways: 
  • If you blog, I welcome you to write a post or share a post from that week about what’s growing in your garden
  • If you aren’t a blogger, I invite you to join my gardening flickr group and share photos of your garden from this week – I will try to grab a few photos each week to share on my post.  Please include the date, a general location and your name so I can give you the proper credit.
  • And last – if you don’t want to blog or share photos, just follow along and check out all the links and photos and maybe share a comment with your own gardening experience from the week

 This week…

Our garden is finally showing some growth this week, although it is showing just as many weeds as planned crops!  We finally planted most of our seeds and now are just trying to keep ahead of the weeds.  There are always a few weeks at the beginning of the growing season when we finally get things in the ground, but it is still too early to harvest.  It seems painful to have the world growing green and still be relying on food from the grocery store.

This year we planned ahead with a cold frame and have had lettuce for a few weeks, but this week we finally started harvesting some herbs for cooking (and of course mojitos!) and began to harvest our first strawberries.


I’m thrilled with the garlic so far and just hope it looks as good underground as above ground.

Can never have too many chives!

The potato tower and straw bale castle are looking good although some of the tomato leaves are looking a bit yellow already.

The littlest one here has discovered the complete bliss of a freshly picked strawberry.

Looking for some more garden inspiration – check out the links below (if you are reading this on email, click through to see the entire post and links)

To share your gardening photos, visit the flickr group for free and upload your best shots

 How does your garden grow?

2 thoughts on “How does your garden grow?”

  1. It seems like we fight the battle against weeds all summer long! Last year was horrible, so this year we are trying to stay on top of it. Other than herbs, we haven't been able to harvest anything yet. We got our plants in the ground a little later this year. Some of the tomatoes do have flowers on them, but that's about it! Everything else is still trying to grow.

  2. Your plants look great! Our garden is starting to finally take off too it seems. Now comes the hard part for me to make sure that everything has enough water, lol! Your potato tower looks good too. We've tried that once with no luck. I hope yours turn out fantastic!

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