The Backyard Farming Connection #73

It was 4 degrees here last night – as in SINGLE digits.  Luckily there was tap flowing last week and just a few bulbs peeking up through the snow.  Spring is coming!

This week’s features:

From Several Gardens Farm: Why I love Winter Pruning

From Everything Home With Carol: How to Live on One Acre

I want to know what’s happening, in your garden, on your homestead, in the barnyard, and in the kitchen.  Whatever is in your backyard farm and home, I would love to hear about it.

Each week I will share some of my favorite posts on the Backyard Farming Connection Facebook page.  And in case you haven’t seen, I have a ‘featured button’ so if you’ve been featured in the past, grab a button.

For details on linking up visit the hop page.

Backyard Farming Connection
Backyard Farming Connection

3 thoughts on “The Backyard Farming Connection #73”

  1. Thanks for hosting! March may be almost over… but it doesn’t look like the cold is going to let up anytime soon! Luckily, this makes it perfect weather for a good Irish Stew! And I’m sharing Brussels Sprout Stew — or How to Tackle March like and Irishwoman — this week! 🙂
    Happy Tuesday!
    ~ Christine @ Once Upon a Time in a Bed of Wildflowers

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