Garden Update

Just as I headed out last night to snap some photos, it started pouring buckets, but luckily I was rewarded with a tremendous view after the rain cleared out.  The garden seems to be in a bit of a lull this week – the copious amounts of beans and berries are slowing down, and the tomatoes are just getting ripe.  Even the zucchinis have been coming in at a bit more manageable pace. I know within just a few days I’ll be up to my elbows in sauce and other tomato goodies, but for now I’m just enjoying a couple days out of the kitchen.

One thing that seems to be doing exceptional are the gourds – they may actually take over the chicken coop soon and are making their way across the yard and out into the fields.  There are a few other treats that are just coming into season shortly: brussel sprouts, husk cherries, tomatillas, and our next batch of lettuce.

And of course there is the guy who helps keep it all going around here!

How’s your garden growing?

Each Friday I share photos from our garden with an update about what we’re doing, what’s growing, and what we’re eating.  I invite you to come play along, I love seeing what others are trying.  You can join the fun in 2 ways:

  • If you blog, I welcome you to write a post or share a post from that week about what’s growing in your garden 
  • If you aren’t a blogger, I invite you to join my gardening flickr group and share photos of your garden from this week
  • And last – if you don’t want to blog or share photos, just follow along and check out all the links and photos and maybe share a comment with your own gardening experience from the week

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