How Does Your Garden Grow?

It has been lovely this week to get back out in the garden.  Last week the rain kept us in our boots, but this week we were back out there getting our hands dirty and making sure all those newly sprouted weeds were getting plucked from the garden and deposited into the compost bins.

Unfortunately the weeds weren’t the only ones to combat in the garden, 3 of our big hens have been making daily forages into the garden.  I like to think they are there to pick out the bugs, but in reality they’ve moved their dust bath right into one of my garden beds.  Luckily the littlest one here (the 1 year old) thinks it is her job to get the chickens out of the garden and she spends much of her day flapping her arms and yelling ‘NO DUCKIES.’  I moved our garden artwork into the garden in hopes of deterring these errant birds.

We also have some errant tomato plants that are coming up from last years dropped tomatoes.  This weekend I hope to round up these little plants and distribute them around the garden to more permanent homes.  This week we’re loving the strawberries, lettuce, herbs, and tonight I used some of the garlic scapes in a sauce for dinner.  I can’t wait to try garlic scapes in pesto tomorrow night.  What’s happening in your garden?

Check out some of these great photos of other people’s gardens from this week and share some of your own in the gardening flickr group.


Each Friday I share photos from our garden with an update about what we’re doing, what’s growing, and what we’re eating.  I invite you to come play along, I love seeing what others are trying.  You can join the fun in 3 ways:

  • If you blog, I welcome you to write a post or share a post from that week about what’s growing in your garden
  • If you aren’t a blogger, I invite you to join my gardening flickr group and share photos of your garden from this week – I will try to grab a few photos each week to share on my post.  Please include the date, a general location and your name so I can give you the proper credit.
  • And last – if you don’t want to blog or share photos, just follow along and check out all the links and photos and maybe share a comment with your own gardening experience from the week

5 thoughts on “How Does Your Garden Grow?”

  1. My garden isn't growing well at all!;( some kind of bug is coming at night and eating the leaves of everything and the damn squirrels are getting what the bugs don't. I'm about ready to give up! It's a good thing I'm not trying to make a living at this. I can grow about any flower but can't seem to grow a vegetable to save my life!

  2. I love your garden art peacock! My garden should look fabulous next week. I forgot to turn off the well yesterday to the drip and it ran for 8 hours. Things should grow nicely now!

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