How Does Your Garden Grow?

With summer officially here I’m anxious for the plants to start growing.  I always find this time of year a bit challenging.  After the bustle of spring planting and preparation you actually need to wait.  Of course there are always new projects, pruning, and weeding, but now the plants to do most of the work. 

At this time of year I always make the mistake of wandering around the garden impatiently sticking seeds in bare spots regardless of my carefully crafted planting plan. While most of the time this simply results in overcrowded plants, there are definitely moments when this random planting produces breathtaking combinations.

Our first year tomatilla plants are up and looking good, but this year’s been a bit rough on the broccoli.  The straw bale garden is coming along, and the tomato plants there are clearly ahead of the plants in the garden.  I can’t wait to compare the harvests.  The potatoes in the center of the straw bales look fabulous, but I am a bit worried that they may have flowered too early.  Amidst the important vegetable and fruit garden, the flower beds are turning out nicely, and the bee garden is beginning to get the look of a second year, more established garden.

How’s your garden growing?

Check out some of these great photos of other people’s gardens from this week and share some of your own in the gardening flickr group.


Each Friday I share photos from our garden with an update about what we’re doing, what’s growing, and what we’re eating.  I invite you to come play along, I love seeing what others are trying.  You can join the fun in 3 ways:

  • If you blog, I welcome you to write a post or share a post from that week about what’s growing in your garden
  • If you aren’t a blogger, I invite you to join my gardening flickr group and share photos of your garden from this week – I will try to grab a few photos each week to share on my post.  Please include the date, a general location and your name so I can give you the proper credit.
  • And last – if you don’t want to blog or share photos, just follow along and check out all the links and photos and maybe share a comment with your own gardening experience from the week

2 thoughts on “How Does Your Garden Grow?”

  1. Gretchen your garden looks lovely, such creative ways of building each garden to be pleasing on the eye as well as the tummy. Your yard looks so peaceful, I could linger there for hours!

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