Vertical Vegetable Gardening: A Review

With the cold weather outside I’ve spent lots of time dreaming of my summer garden and scanning through my bookshelf for a little inspiration.  The most recent addition to my bookshelf is Chris McLaughlin’s new book: Vertical Vegetable Gardening, and it is just chalk full of inspiration.  In this book, Chris shares her gardening knowledge and expertise specifically related to growing plants up instead of out. 

The book gives basic and detailed advice on gardening. including information on soil and specific plants that grow vertically.  Chris starts by making a strong case for why gardeners should consider employing vertical gardening techniques, including saving space in small gardens, less weeding, and increased produce.  If you haven’t already started to grow things vertically, it’s time to start.

My favorite part of the book is the section that gives ideas and materials on how to successfully grow vertically.  Not only does Chris describe and illustrate raised beds, tomato cages, and other common vertical growing techniques, but she also includes unique and ingenious ways to reuse materials to grow vertically.

In section three, Chris shares strategies for caring for your vertical gardens with suggestions for watering, mulching, fertilizing, and pruning.  She shares extra tips and advice throughout the her book in an easy laid back manner that makes the book easy to read and personal.  If you are looking to expand your growing knowledge, this wonderful book will ignite your creativity, and give you the tools to get started.

I did receive a review copy of this book.

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