Companion planting pumpkins is a great way to get a bigger harvest and help decrease pests and build soil health. Companion planting is a traditional garden method – for years gardeners took notes and paid attention to which plants thrived next to other plants and how different plants can help each other grow.
While there is science behind companion planting, much of the current common practices are based on many years of trial and error. We’ve been experimenting with companion planting pumpkins and other crops for years and will share our top tips based on our own experiences and research.
If you are looking for general information on companion planting, see our article titled: 10 Best Ways for Companion Planting Vegetables and Fruit for a Better Harvest.
You might also like our guide to growing pumpkins: How to Grow Pumpkins
Quick Look at the Best Companion Plants for Pumpkins
Below we go into more detail about the best companion plants for pumpkins and other details about how to use companion planting in your pumpkin patch, but if you are looking for a quick answer to your question, here are the top options for companion planting pumpkins.
Best Plants for Companion Planting with Pumpkins
Planting nasturtiums, marigolds, and radishes alongside pumpkins can help deter pests and enhance growth through mutual benefits in a well-balanced companion planting arrangement. Planting the 3 Sisters garden with pumpkins, beans and corn is a popular method for companion planting.
Bad Companion Plants for Pumpkins
Avoid planting pumpkins near potatoes, as they both attract common pests like squash beetles and can compete for nutrients, potentially hindering each other’s growth.

Overview of Companion Planting Pumpkins
The time-tested method of companion planting involves placing various plant species in close proximity to establish a mutually beneficial relationship.These plant combinations offer several advantages including:
- Natural Pest Control: Certain plant pairings repel pests, reducing reliance on chemical pesticides and fostering a healthier, eco-friendly garden environment.
- Improved Plant Health: Companion planting enhances soil fertility and nutrient uptake, resulting in healthier and more robust plants.
- Maximized Garden Space: Strategic planting of compatible species optimizes space, increasing overall yield in your garden.
- Weed Suppression: Some companion plants act as natural weed suppressors, minimizing weed growth and nutrient competition.
- Enhanced Pollination: Attracting pollinators through companion planting improves fruit set and yield for various plant species.
- Disease Prevention: Certain companion plants possess properties that help prevent the spread of diseases, safeguarding vulnerable plants.
- Support for Climbing Plants: Companion planting provides natural support for climbing plants, reducing the need for artificial trellises or stakes.
- Repelling Harmful Nematodes: Some plants can repel or suppress harmful nematodes, protecting susceptible plant roots.
- Seasonal Succession Planting: Companion planting enables seamless seasonal succession planting, optimizing garden space throughout the year.
- Enhanced Aroma: Mixing fragrant herbs and flowers creates a delightful and aromatic atmosphere in your garden.
- Complementary Growth Habits: Combining plants with different growth habits optimizes resource utilization, creating a balanced garden ecosystem.
- Protection from Wind and Sun: Taller plants offer shade and windbreak for more delicate or sun-sensitive companions, providing a microclimate that supports their growth.
- Beneficial Habitat for Beneficial Insects: Attracting beneficial insects through companion planting helps control harmful pests naturally.

Benefits of Pumpkin Companion Plants
In our experience – the biggest benefit of companion planting pumpkins is reducing weeds. Pumpkins are massive and sprawling, but for the first few weeks they are small and since you plant them far apart there can be a lot of weed. Interplanting corn or other crops that either grow tall or have a short harvest time allows you to get additional crops from this space. Below are some benefits we’ve observed:
Thriving Pollination: By incorporating vibrant flowers that attract pollinators, I’ve witnessed an improvement in pollination, resulting in healthier pumpkin growth and a more abundant harvest. Other flowers will bring pollinators to the pumkin flowers.
Nutrient Boost: Selecting companion plants with compatible nutrient needs helps to enrich the soil around pumpkins and promotes their overall well-being. Beans or peas are common companion plants to helps with nutrients.
Weed-Free Zone: Thanks to the presence of natural weed suppressors among my companion plants, I’ve enjoyed a neater pumpkin patch with reduced weed competition. Other crops (like fast growing corn and beans) help shade weeds until the pumpkins grow and block out the rest of the weeds.
Biodiversity Boost: Diversifying the plant life around my pumpkins has attracted a diverse array of beneficial insects, fostering a lively and balanced garden ecosystem. It can also help reduce the impact of squash bugs by not intensively planting pumpkins.
Weather Resilience: Taller companions not only lend vertical dimension but also provide shade and protection against the elements.
Best Pumpkin Companion Plant Options
Below are the top companion plants for pumpkins.
Nasturtiums: These vibrant flowers not only add visual appeal to your pumpkin patch but also help repel pests like squash bugs and beetles, protecting your pumpkins from potential damage.
Marigolds: Known for their pest-repelling properties, marigolds deter nematodes and other harmful insects that can affect pumpkin plants. Their bright colors also contribute to the overall aesthetics of the garden.

Radishes: Planting radishes alongside pumpkins can act as a natural deterrent to pests like cucumber beetles. Radishes mature quickly, providing an early harvest and leaving space for the expanding pumpkin vines.
Beans: Bush beans or pole beans make excellent companions for pumpkins. They help fix nitrogen in the soil, benefiting the nutrient needs of pumpkins. The climbing nature of pole beans also maximizes vertical space in the garden.
Corn: The “Three Sisters” planting method involves interplanting corn, beans, and squash (including pumpkins). Corn provides a natural support for climbing beans, while the beans enrich the soil with nitrogen. The pumpkin vines act as a living mulch, suppressing weeds and conserving soil moisture.
Bad Companion Plants for Pumpkins
Sometimes it’s less important what you plant with pumpkins and more important what you avoid.
- Potatoes: Both pumpkins and potatoes are susceptible to similar pests, such as squash bugs and beetles. Planting them together may increase the risk of pest infestations and competition for nutrients.
- Fennel: Fennel excretes substances that can inhibit the growth of nearby plants, including pumpkins. Planting pumpkins near fennel may negatively impact the growth and development of the pumpkins.
- Cucumbers: While some gardeners practice companion planting with cucumbers and pumpkins, there’s a risk of them competing for space and nutrients. Additionally, both plants are susceptible to similar diseases, and planting them together may increase the likelihood of disease spread.
- Sunflowers: Sunflowers have allelopathic properties, meaning they release chemicals that can inhibit the growth of neighboring plants. This could negatively affect the development of pumpkin plants if they are planted too close together.
- Brassicas (Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower): Brassicas, like cabbage and broccoli, are not recommended as companions for pumpkins. Both plant groups attract similar pests, such as cabbage worms and aphids, and may compete for nutrients in the soil.

Using Companion Planting to Plan your Garden
Here is a general guideline for using companion planting if your garden:
To use companion planting in your garden, start by choosing plant pairs that work well together. Opt for combinations where one plant’s characteristics enhance the growth or protect the other. For instance, planting basil near tomatoes can help deter pests that commonly affect tomatoes. Consider the natural relationships between plants, like marigolds keeping nematodes away from vegetables.
There are so many plants and so many combinations that this can quickly feel overwelming! In general, arrange your garden with an eye for diversity, placing plants with different needs alongside each other to maximize nutrient utilization. Keep it simple, experiment with various combinations, and observe the positive impacts on pest control, nutrient enrichment, and overall plant health.
Looking for more guides on companion planting? Check out: