How to Make Cinnamon Extract

Experimenting with homemade extracts fun and easy, and making your own extracts is an easy and less expensive way to bring a huge range of flavors to your baking. After learning to make my own vanilla extract, I started branching out to other extracts including cinnamon. This is the perfect addition to cinnamon rolls and cakes as well as hot cider. You only need two ingredients to make homemade cinnamon extract. Below, I’ll walk you through the exact steps for how to make cinnamon extract in your own kitchen.

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What is Cinnamon Extract?

Cinnamon extract is a concentrated flavoring derived from the essence of cinnamon bark, creating a warm and aromatic taste and aroma. Extracted through a process that involves steeping cinnamon bark in alcohol, cinnamon extract is widely used in baking, cooking, and beverage preparation, cinnamon extract adds depth and warmth to a variety of dishes.

From cinnamon rolls, cakes, and cookies to spiced beverages like hot cider or mulled wine, this extract enhances the flavor profile with its rich and fragrant essence. Additionally, cinnamon extract is a popular ingredient in savory dishes such as curries, stews, and sauces, where it contributes a unique blend of sweetness and warmth.

Benefits of Making Cinnamon Extract at Home

Making extracts at home gives you complete control over the process. I like knowing exactly in going in my food, and that includes extracts. In addition, cinnamon and other extracts are so easy to make and making them at home can be much cheaper that purchasing at the grocery store.

Ingredients and Equipment

  • Cinnamon Sticks : Look for high-quality or organic cinnamon sticks. You can usually find these at the grocery store or order them online.
  • Alcohol: The most common choice of alcohol for making vanilla extract is vodka due to its neutral flavor, but you can also use bourbon, rum, or brandy for a different flavor profile. Make sure the alcohol is at least 35-40% alcohol by volume (70-80 proof).
  • Extract Jars: you can use any bottle to make your extract. I purchased a set of 4 oz bottles online and prefer clear bottles to clearly see what is happening with the cinnamon and vodka. Depending on the opening you will likely need a funnel to pour in the liquid. Some bottles come with a funnel or you can use one you have at home.
How to Make Cinnamon Extract
How to Make Cinnamon Extract

Step-by-Step Guide How to Make Cinnamon Extract

Step 1: Prepare the Cinnamon Sticks

Break or Chop Cinnamon Sticks: Using a knife and cutting board, break or chop the cinnamon sticks into smaller pieces. This increases the surface area and enhances the extraction process. I simply broke my sticks in half to increase surface area and to fit in the jar.

Step 2: Combine Ingredients and Steep

Place Cinnamon Sticks in Jar or Bottle: Transfer the broken or chopped cinnamon sticks into the glass jar or bottle.

Pour Alcohol Over Cinnamon: Fill the jar or bottle with the chosen alcohol, ensuring that the cinnamon sticks are completely submerged. Leave some space at the top to allow for shaking.

Seal the Container: Secure the lid tightly on the jar or bottle to prevent any leakage.

Shake and Steep: Give the jar or bottle a gentle shake to mix the ingredients. Place it in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight, to steep. Allow the cinnamon sticks to infuse into the alcohol for at least 2-4 weeks, shaking the container occasionally to redistribute the flavors.

Step 3: Strain and Store

Strain the Extract: After the steeping period, strain the cinnamon extract through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth into a clean glass bottle or jar. This removes the cinnamon stick pieces and any sediment, leaving you with pure cinnamon extract.

Store Properly: Seal the bottle or jar tightly and store it in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight. Properly stored, homemade cinnamon extract can last for several months to a year. Label the bottle with the contents (e.g., “Homemade Cinnamon Extract”) and the date of preparation for reference.

Tips and Troubleshooting

Weak Cinnamon Flavor: The extract lacks a strong cinnamon flavor, resulting in a weak or bland final product. To overcome this problem, increase the cinnamon-to-alcohol ratio or extend the steeping time. You can also try using fresher, higher-quality cinnamon sticks or breaking/chopping them into smaller pieces to enhance the extraction process.

Cloudy or Sediment-Laden Extract: The extract appears cloudy or contains sediment, affecting its appearance and potentially its texture. To fix this, I like to strain the extract more thoroughly using a fine-mesh sieve or multiple layers of cheesecloth. Ensure that the cinnamon sticks are fully submerged in the alcohol during steeping to minimize sedimentation.

We’ve also found it helpful to allow the extract to settle before pouring it off, leaving any sediment behind.

Overly Bitter or Harsh Flavor: The extract has a bitter or harsh taste, overpowering the desired cinnamon flavor. This is usually caused from oversteeping your extract. Be cautious with the steeping time and ratio of cinnamon sticks to alcohol. Steeping for too long or using too many cinnamon sticks can extract excessive bitterness from the cinnamon. Consider diluting the extract with additional alcohol to mellow out the flavor, or sweeten it slightly with a small amount of simple syrup if desired.

How to Make Cinnamon Extract Recipe

Cinnamon Extract

MAking you own spicy and warm cinnamon extract


  • Extract Jar/Bottle


  • Cinnamon Sticks
  • Vodka


  • Break or Chop Cinnamon Sticks: Using a knife and cutting board, break or chop the cinnamon sticks into smaller pieces. This increases the surface area and enhances the extraction process.
  • Place Cinnamon Sticks in Jar or Bottle: Transfer the broken or chopped cinnamon sticks into the glass jar or bottle.
  • Pour Alcohol Over Cinnamon: Fill the jar or bottle with the chosen alcohol, ensuring that the cinnamon sticks are completely submerged. Leave some space at the top to allow for shaking.
  • Seal the Container: Secure the lid tightly on the jar or bottle to prevent any leakage.
  • Shake and Steep: Give the jar or bottle a gentle shake to mix the ingredients. Place it in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight, to steep. Allow the cinnamon sticks to infuse into the alcohol for at least 2-4 weeks, shaking the container occasionally to redistribute the flavors.
  • Strain the Extract: After the steeping period, strain the cinnamon extract through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth into a clean glass bottle or jar. This removes the cinnamon stick pieces and any sediment, leaving you with pure cinnamon extract.
  • Store Properly: Seal the bottle or jar tightly and store it in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight. Properly stored, homemade cinnamon extract can last for several months to a year.
  • Label and Date: Label the bottle with the contents (e.g., “Homemade Cinnamon Extract”) and the date of preparation for reference.

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How to Make Cinnamon Extract

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